In January I was driving home from the Bar (I run Trivia Monday nights) when I had an idea. It was spurred by the growing world of AI art and the ethics around using it, and as my mind started to spin, I arrived home with a mostly formed idea.

The next day I was motivated to make a short audio piece about it.
To see if I could do it.

Two days later I was sitting on the pilot for DEVISER. I sent it to a few friends, all whom were very supportive but I debated for a bit, questioning whether I should start another project; not really sure if I could handle the load.

Then in February, I found out I was going to become a Dad again. Fatherhood is an amazing, terrifying, exhilarating thing and one that I have always loved. In that moment, I knew that this story was important to me and one I needed to get out before my world got even more hectic.  

I wrote the scripts in mid-March and on April 1st I sat down to record, edit and mix them – a feat I was (understandably) terrified of. But… here I am. Happy to say that all 7 Episode of DEVISER are ready to be sent to you on May 1st.

I did this show without a budget, without actors, a crowdfunding campaign or financial help of any kind beyond my amazing Patreon supporters who have allowed me to do things of this nature.

This show wouldn’t exist without you.

Please share this with your friends, family and anyone who enjoys horror Audio Dramas. Nothing would make me feel more appreciated than you giving this your ear for a few hours.
